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以简谐外磁场环境下的J-C模型为研究对象,从系统的哈密顿矩阵出发,通过计算模拟得出热力学纠缠度解析表达式。计算结果表明,对应于不同的外磁场强度,系统热力学纠缠度呈周期性余弦变化,但随环境温度升高快速衰减;在相同环境温度下,系统热力学纠缠度关于磁场强度左右不对称变化。  相似文献   
This paper attempts to investigate the long-run and the causal relationship between military expenditure and income distribution in South Korea for the period 1965–2011. Applying the bounds test approach to cointegration, we found a long-run relationship between military expenditure and the Gini coefficient with military expenditure having a positive and a statistically significant impact on income inequality. A 1% rise in military expenditure increased the Gini coefficient by 0.38%. Application of the lag-augmented causality test also reveals a unidirectional causality running from military expenditure to income inequality. The evidence seems to suggest that devoting more resources to the military sector may further worsen income inequality in South Korea.  相似文献   
为解决电机轴承故障状态难以识别,从而造成诊断精度不高的情况,提出了一种基于信号特征提取与极限梯度提升算法(extreme gradient boosting, XGBoost)结合的电机轴承故障诊断模型。使用优化的变分模态分解获得振动信号的固有模态函数(intrinsic mode function, IMF)分量,再基于多尺度熵理论计算各IMF分量的多尺度熵值进行特征重构。在鲸鱼优化算法(whale optimization algorithm, WOA)中引入遗传算法的选择、交叉、变异操作对WOA进行改进。用改进的WOA算法对XGBoost的超参数进行寻优,获得了帮助XGBoost取得最优分类效果的超参数组合,将7种不同故障类型的振动信号进行重构后输入优化的XGBoost模型进行故障诊断。实验结果表明,所提GWOA-XGBoost模型的电机轴承故障诊断精度能够达到97.14%,相较于传统诊断方法,性能提升效果显著。  相似文献   
全球导航卫星系统(global navigation satellite system, GNSS)高程时间序列具有非平稳、非线性、含噪声等特点,在深入研究Prophet预测模型的基础上,针对Prophet预测模型对于趋势信号和周期信号有良好预测效果这一特性,提出一种引入经验模态分解(empirical mode decomposition, EMD)的“降噪—分解—预测”组合GNSS高程时间序列预测方法。该方法先将原始时间序列进行EMD降噪,再对降噪后的序列进行分解预测,最后重构各分量预测信号为最终预测序列。通过对实测高程数据进行研究,实验结果表明:降噪后信号的平均信噪比为10.30dB,能量百分比平均为88.75%;利用所构建的短期预测方法,GNSS高程时间序列预测结果的均方根误差分别平均提升26.41%和14.88%;平均百分比误差分别平均提升18.92%和7.91%,验证了组合预测方法的有效性及实用性。  相似文献   
为了评价陶瓷/金属梯度热障涂层的性能,设计了4种涂层方案和2种基体材料(1Cr18Ni9Ti和2Cr13).利用单枪单送粉器成功地制备了线性梯度涂层.通过观察涂层的微观结构、测量涂层的抗热震性能和热残余应力来评价涂层的性能.利用扫描电镜对各种陶瓷涂层的微观结构进行了观察和分析,利用X射线能谱分析得到了陶瓷梯度涂层试样中的不同区域的衍射图.热震试验表明,梯度涂层比非梯度涂层具有更好的抗热震性能.采用钻孔法对不同涂层方案进行了残余应力的测量,结果表明,压应力出现在1Cr18Ni9Ti基体材料上,而拉应力出现在2Cr13基体材料上.  相似文献   
针对基于马氏距离的重要性测度存在的问题,提出了基于谱分解加权摩尔彭罗斯马氏距离的重要性测度指标,通过构造多输出协方差阵的广义逆矩阵以及谱分解的策略,有效解决了协方差阵求逆奇异情况以及由于未能充分考虑多输出之间的相互关系而导致的错误识别重要变量的问题,克服了基于马氏距离指标的局限性。数值算例与工程算例结果表明:所提重要性测度可以更加准确地获得输入变量对结构系统多输出性能随机取值特征贡献的排序,从而为可靠性设计提供充分的信息。  相似文献   
In this paper, we present the heavy‐traffic bottleneck phenomenon under multiclass deterministic routing and discuss how it can be addressed by decomposition approximation. Examples show that Bitran and Tirupati's method and Whitt's enhancements for deterministic routing may not properly account for this phenomenon. We propose refinements to these methods based on Whitt's variability functions. Results of numerical experiments on simple networks and semiconductor manufacturing process show significant improvement in the approximation of expected waiting time at bottleneck stations. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005.  相似文献   
根据传热学理论和热网络法,以某型直升机尾减速器弧齿锥齿轮传动系统为研究对象,建立了其温度场Simulink仿真计算模型。基于该模型,计算获得该传动系统正常润滑条件下的稳态温度场,并以它作为初始条件计算分析该传动系统失去润滑条件下的瞬态温度场,为预测该弧齿锥齿轮传动系统在失去润滑条件下的干运转生存能力提供理论依据。  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of defence spending and income on the evolution of Ethiopia’s external debt over the period 1970–2005. Using the bounds test approach to cointegration and Granger causality tests, we find a long run and a causal relationship between external debt, defence spending and income. Defence spending had a positive and a significant impact on the stock of external debt while income had a negative and a statistically significant impact on external debt. Our findings suggest that an increase in defence spending contributes to the accumulation of Ethiopia’s external debt, while an increase in economic growth helps Ethiopia to reduce its external debt.  相似文献   
摘要:研究一类具有leakage时滞的离散型神经网络的状态估计问题.通过构造新的Lyapunov泛函得到保证估计误差全局渐近稳定的充分条件,并通过求解一个线性矩阵不等式(LMI)得到状态估计器的增益矩阵.采用一种新的时滞分割方法将变时滞区间分割为多个子区间,使该结果在获得更小的保守性同时也降低了计算的复杂度.  相似文献   
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